Health & Safety Update | COVID-19 Efforts
Posted on Apr 07, 2020
Dear Customers, Vendors and Our Communities:
The health and safety of our employees, customers and members of our communities is Strad’s top priority. Like all of you, our team is closely watching how the COVID-19 outbreak is evolving and want to provide an update around precautionary health measures that our team is taking.
For us we continue to operate our business across Canada and USA, we have taken the following measures to ensure healthy and safe practices are in place. We will update these measures as needed as the situation evolves.
- We are mandating everyone stay home at any signs of illness.
- Reinforcing basic hygiene practices to keep ourselves and others healthy; including avoiding handshakes as a business greeting.
- Extra disinfectant products are available to help keep offices, vehicles and equipment clean.
- Optional ‘work from home’ efforts for all office roles to minimize the number of interactions in branches and offices.
- Non-essential travel is limited, and we are closely monitoring those who have or will travel for essential business or vacations.
- Our attendance is suspended at conferences, training sessions or other large gatherings of people.
- Extra cleaning efforts are in place in all offices and branches.
These actions are taken in the spirit of – Beyond Safe – to keep our employees, customers, friends and families safe and healthy while staying productive. No matter how events unfold, we will maintain the quality of our operation, the strength of our reputation and continue to be a good steward of the global community and do our part to protect the areas we live and operate in.
Thank you,
The Strad Team